The director claimed that some Nintendo staffers actually preferred playing the game solo. Shikata noted that the game's competitive free-for-all Colosseum mode would support either two or three players. "If someone drops out or quits, you'll get to a game over screen." Apparently if someone needs to jet, the game will save your progress and there will be an option to swap in a replacement player or transition to solo. “You can't play regular courses with two people,” said game director Hiromasa Shikata in an interview with Kotaku. Triforce Heroes is basically a bunch of key parties in dungeons.Īccording to a report by Kotaku, the game's main campaign can be played either as a trio or solo - in which case the player switches between the roles of three characters while the unpossessed ones stand still, ala The Lost Vikings. Players will also be able to add users to the blacklist if they leave during a game through the menu.Zelda: Triforce Heroes' main story mode won't support two-player play. Players will be matched up based on new questions asked before starting a game. When you go to post on Miiverse through the Miiverse House, make sure to take advantage of the new stamps!

These will only be available after you complete the game for 3000 Rupees a piece.

Those hard to get Friendly Tokens that could only be obtained by playing locally with multiple 3DS owners can now be bought from the Treasure Merchant in the town square. Linebeck's Uniform allows you to see inside treasure chests before you open them, while the Fierce Deity Armor allows you to shoot out three sword beams at full health, as well as allowing you to do the spin attack and not receive knockback. Materials are collected every fifth floor. Each set of five floors are based on the other worlds in the game. The Den of Trails tasks you with clearing floor after floor of enemies as you try to reach the final and 40th floor. A new world was added for both the single player and multiplayer modes.